Aye Aye Labs is big on one word, and we like it: every. This is how they want their users to think in terms of the big creative picture, exploring every artistic realm, outlet, interest—and then allowing their concepts to come to life from the Hot Rod Henry Supercharged 3D printer, again embodying every in the sense that it also uses every filament on the market, allowing you limitless options to bring forth every material innovation you can dream up. So, now that everybody understands each other there, what else is special about this machine?
Aye Aye Labs is promising you a 3D printer that’s five times faster than the rest of the competition at speeds of up to 450 mm/s, with a print volume of 350 x 350 x 600 mm. The printer is completely constructed with industrial-grade components, offers durability, and has an undeniably stylish, retro design; in fact, it’s modeled after a 1950s jukebox.
Other features include:
- Tested and measured accuracy, going down to 50 microns; in the X and Y axes the accuracy is also 50 microns.
- A touchscreen interface for intuitive communication, and is ready for printing right after you plug the machine in.
- Closed chamber and heated bed, eliminating warping issues.
- Powerful hot end for fast, accurate printing.
- Direct-drive extruder, enabling flexible material usage.
- Stainless steel nozzles, with a guide exchange system that allows you to switch nozzles in under a minute without the need for calibration afterwards.
Print with anything you want to – not with what you’re told to! This is one directive that all users, artists or not, can appreciate being given. When Aye Aye Labs says this printer can operate on nearly every filament, they are also including flexible thermoplastics and high temperature polymers including those reinforced with carbon fiber or glass fiber.