We’ve all heard humorous murmurs like “gee, what will they be 3D printing next—babies?” Many of us do wonder what the technological crystal ball holds for 3D printing. And while 3D printing technology has been the “stuff” that movies are made from, literally (think Coraline or The Boxtrolls), it hasn’t yet been the central theme, until now, with Caden–and what a provocative one it is.
The intent of the writers was to insert the issues technology brings into the world of parenting and the household—a ubiquitous problem these days, and you probably have heard or said “no phones at the dinner table” enough to know what I mean. With the movie being set in 2044, they took the issue of problems that technology can present in the household to an advanced level with 3D printing and replication, which of course lends itself to a great story.
Mesaikos and Aichele have also launched an Indiegogo flex campaign in hopes of raising $15,000 by January 15, 2015. The rewards are awesome if you pledge, with items like private links to the film, onscreen shout-out in the credits, actual 3D props from the movie, signed DVDs, invitations to the private screening, as well as the incredible opportunity to receive your very own 3D printed Caleb. Even more exciting for those who pledge upwards of £2500 and £5,000 is that they will receive movie credits as associate producer and producer, respectively. You will also, at that level, receive a fancy dinner with the directors.
Via a partnership, Mesaikos and Aichele and their Random Cat Pictures are teaming up with London’s iMakr to turn Caden into the world’s first “3D printable movie.” What, you say? How does this totally cool-sounding idea work? You are invited to help with ‘crowd-designing’ the props for the movie.
If you are interested in making a design for a 3D printed prop, click here to find out more about how you can create your own futuristic 3D printed prop for the movie. There are guidelines and examples if you need inspiration, but they encourage you to totally reach into your imagination and do your own thing for one of their 3D printed movie props. If your design is chosen as a prop, it will be available to the public for free download at MyMiniFactory.com.
What do you think of the sci-fi concept of 3Dprinting a human body? Is this a competition you would be interested in entering? Tell us about it in the first 3D Printed Movie forum at 3DPB.com.